Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Halloween (A Little Late)

Unfortunately, being late is a habit of mine. I really am bad a planning ahead and allowing my self enough time, as well as follow through and getting certain things done. In fact, I was late for my own wedding, sad but true! But I guess better late than never! :-) I am really working on it and God has been working hard on me lately. So because I have not posted in a while I realized I never posted a picture of my two little munchins in their Halloween costumes. Well, here they are and I hope that you all enjoyed eating your kids candy. I know I did!

"Big Girl" What?

Lea has officially been moved to a toddler bed! Most of you might think it is a little early but this is not by choice. About a month ago Lea began climbing out of her crib on a regular basis. I was coming up with creative ways of keeping her in her bed but I have given up. I don't feel right getting her a crib tent because my personal thought is I would be caging her in so we just moved to the toddler bed. She actually does good. She of course gets out of the bed and usually falls asleep on the floor but this way she won't hurt herself climbing out of the crib. She usually plays for a little while in her room and then ends up falling asleep on the floor. After it gets quiet I usually go in her room and put her in bed. I snapped this picture about a week ago. She fell asleep with the brush on her face. The other day she fell asleep with a shoe on her head. She is such a strong willed individual. I can't wait until she is a teenager!

Breast Cancer Walk

It is that time of year for our family that we celebrate and support Brian's Mom Sue and her victory over Breast Cancer. We usually enter most of the Breast Cancer walks/runs. This year the one at the Capital was a little more difficult. We had to have two children ready to leave the house by 6:30am. That is just way to early for me and our kids but we made it in time. All of Brian's siblings were there and the girls had a blast. After the race we came home and all took a nice long nap. It was a very fun family day! Here are a few pictures from the day!