Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bike Ride

On Saturday it was such a beautiful day that we decided to go for a bike ride. We rode to the River entrance at Rossmore, by our house, had a few snacks for the girls and set out on our adventure. They had such a great time that Kiley did not want to go home. As you can see Lea had so much fun she fell asleep on the way home. Kiley did not want to get out of her seat, she wanted to stay in it all day. We finally bribed her to get out. Our bike ride turned out more exciting then we actually planned.

We stopped half way through our ride at some benches we saw. We noticed a man riding his bike pulling his youngest kid in a buggy (like what our girls our in), and his eight year old son was riding behind him. All the sudden we heard SNAKE! As we turned our heads the eight year old son fell over almost on top of a RATTLE SNAKE. The dad could not stop fast enough to help his son and passed right by him. Next thing I know Lea landed in my arms and Brian was running straight towards the kid and the snake (that was now slithering toward the kid). Brian scooped the kid up just as the snake was about a foot from the kid. It was amazing! The kid was safe and the snake went back to his home in the bushes. We all praise the Lord that Brian was at the right place at the right time. It was especially good that Brian can run fast when he needs to.

All and all it was a really fun ride!

1 comment:

The Runner Bunch said...

Yeah for our Hero Brian!! He is always so good about jumping into action like that!! I'm sure that Dad was so grateful!

And good blogging Nicole :)