Sleep over with Haylie. The girls had so much fun!
The girls love going in the jeep so we started going for rides on days when it is not to hot. Most of the time they just like to play in and through it. But here is a picture of them after church one day. Ok, so when I said I was cleaning and doing other things...what I really meant was I was taking naps with the Kiley (this actually happens very rarely). Brian came home for work one day and caught me snoozing. If you don't know Kiley does not take a nap very easy. So every once and a while I will lay down with her and pretend to be asleep until she falls asleep. Well, this time sleep got the better of me.
Brian won tickets to a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert at Raley Field. It was a very interesting concert to be a part of and not one I would like to attend again.
This is the first time Lea had enough hair to put in piggy tales.
Kiley was mad because she was in time out....oh that is a mean face.
I think I am going to end there, I hope that you have enjoyed the array of pictures. There will be more to come...stay tuned!
Brian and his cousin Mark went down a slide that looked like the cliff hanger at Water World (I use to visit there frequently when I was in Jr high).
This is Brian and his cousin Mark after they went down the slide. This is Brian flying down the slide. He was sitting up it looked like a huge rush.