Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

So, I am a little late on this post! OH WELL!!!!

Another shocker is I might not put any pictures with this post! But don't worry there will be lots more posts to come with tons of pictures.

So here is my story of the day:

The morning of Mother's day Brian talked to Kiley about what Mother's day meant, then he went and got some breakfast. Kiley and I sat on the couch, snuggled and talked a little bit more about mother's day and what we were going to do that day. After we finished talking she quietly got off the couch went into her room and much to my surprise brought me the book "Are you my Mother?" by P.D. Eastman. All I could do was look at her in absolute amazement. I know she had to actually search for that book and that it was not in plain site. I was so blown away by how thoughtful she was in that moment. That was by far the highlight of my Mother's day. I know to others it might sound like a very simple gesture and not very important. But, my daughter is only two and it was amazing to see the how much thought she put into getting that particular book and how she was relating the day and the word mother to her life-level.

For me I am used to seeing children learn something new. I taught in a classroom with children that never got much attention or were not very loved. So, when they had someone sit next to them and explain things in a loving manor, I was fortunate enough to usually witness the child learn something new.
This was different (obviously) to me. Not only because it was my daughter but because I did not prompt her in any way. Like I said before I was amazed. At that moment (believe it or not) I felt so blessed to be a mom. I am so excited God has given me this job. I get to be there for the simple yet amazing moments like this one. Through all the frustration, screams (mine not the kids), pee, poop, spit up and tears (again mine), at the end of all of that I have the moments where I see God growing and working in my children's life.
So HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mom's and may God show you a glipse of himself through your children.

Ok, I was just kidding I could not resist:

The girls made Mother's day cards for everyone. They had so much fun!!!

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