Monday, May 12, 2008

Our Anniversary Getaway!

Sunday May 4th was our anninversary and even though we did not get to do much on the actual day of our anniversary, it still turned out to be a fun day. We went to Abby's birthday party, put the kids to bed early and watched a movie (a chick flick of course). A couple days later Brian planned a nice relaxing day and night at an AMAZING hotel here in Sac. It is fairly new and was wonderful. We got couple massages, had dinner at Scott's Seafood and had two flat screen TV's in our room. This is a picture from our bed to the right. Brian is such a good sport to pose in the picture for me.

This is a picture if you are looking on the other side of the bed. It had an electric fireplace and another room.

I had such a great time hanging out with my husband. We both felt single again (no kids single). It was nice to have a night to ourselves and to be able to actually sleep in. The time was nice while it lasted, but on the way to pick up our rugrats we were laughing and talking about them. We could not stop wondering what time they woke up, what were some of the funny things they might have done the night before and if Lea woke up at 3 am? It just goes to show you that it is nice to have a break, but you will always miss the ones you are trying to get the break from.

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